Jesus Be Jumping Ministries

Jesus Be Jumping Ministries


Our Mission

At Jesus Be Jumping Ministries, we are dedicated to spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ to our community and beyond. Through our various ministries, bible studies, and programs, we strive to positively impact the world around us while bringing people into a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

Get Involved

Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for new team members to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to be part of the team that best suits you. We're excited to have you join us!

Our Growth Visions

One of the vision goals we have is to open a Christian Bar; with non-stop worship, non-stop fellowship, and non-alcoholic beverages, that's how we roll!

Worship and fellowship all night, with Jesus in the center of it all.

This is the vision that started it all for us.  The Holy Spirit has led us down many roads along the way, but we want to see this one through. 

Will you help us to make this dream come true and multiply?  We'd love to partner with you!

The Lord leads all things and grows all things according to his plan and will.  We however would love to see everything we do grow to a national level expansion, and even worldwide especially JBJ Mobile Outreach.  This is a lofty goal we know, but we remain humble to work within the realms the Lord places us.

Statement of Faith

We believe in God the Father, maker of all things in the heavens and the earth.

We believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy Son of God born to us through a virgin named Mary as God in Mortal form; who remains through us today in the Holy Spirit.

We believe Jesus Christ lived, taught, and was executed by crucifixion (hanging on the cross) and died, which paid humanity’s death sentence for our sins.  

By this death, Jesus Christ now intercedes for us to Father God giving us the ability to seek forgiveness through Jesus Christ for our sins and shortcomings through repentance.

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