Jesus Be Jumping Ministries

Jesus Be Jumping Ministries

Privacy, Safety, & Security Policies

Privacy Policy

Jesus Be Jumping Ministries holds privacy very high on our priorities. Jesus Be Jumping Ministries does not sell, lend, or trade information to brokers, businesses, or other organizations except when the sharing of information is required to provide service or aid under the direct consent of the party/parties we are providing aid to.

Pastoral Notes and Communications are protected by Maryland Law. 

Clergy-Penitent Privilege Md. Code Ann., Cts. & Jud. Proc. § 9-111 .

Many additional states in which we may provide services, aid, and programs hold similar laws. We assert our rights and privacy under those provisions as well.

It is this ministry's policy to report physical abuse of a child or vulnerable adult to the appropriate authorities.

Safety & Security Statement

Jesus Be Jumping Ministries takes the Safety and Security of everyone related to our ministry very seriously.

Threats, violence, harassment, vandalism, or any assault related to or enacted on any staff member, volunteer, or attendee of an event of this ministry WILL be reported to the appropriate authorities, and prosecuted by this ministry


Cookies & Tracking Code

Jesus Be Jumping Ministries uses services such as Google Analytics to monitor website traffic so we can adjust user experience based on traffic data.  Jesus Be Jumping Ministries does not sell, transfer, or share traffic or user data outside our relationship with these services.

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